With the increase of the load of industrial gas steam boiler, why does the smoke temperature rise at

Increasing the load of industrial gas steam boiler is realized by increasing the amount of fuel and air volume entering the furnace, and the load of industrial gas steam boiler is basically proportional to the amount of fuel entering the furnace. When the amount of fuel entering the furnace increases, although the radiation heating surface of the water wall does not change, due to the increase of furnace temperature, the radiation heat transfer of flame to the water wall increases, and the heat absorption of the water wall increases. The steam production of industrial gas steam boiler increases with the increase of steam produced in the pipe.

With the increase of the load of industrial gas steam boiler, why does the smoke temperature rise at

The temperature of the flame in the furnace is not proportional to the increase of fuel content. A large number of tests and production practices have proved that from 50% rated load to full load, the temperature of flame in furnace does not exceed 200 ��, and the maximum increase of radiation heat transfer in furnace is not more than 80%. As the fuel entering the furnace doubles, the radiation heat absorption of the water wall in the furnace less than doubles. Although the load increases, the heat absorption of the water wall increases, but because the radiation heat absorption of the water wall accounts for 95% of the total heat absorption and the convective heat absorption accounts for only 5%, the proportion of the heat absorption of the water wall decreases with the increase of the load. .

With the increase of the load of industrial gas steam boiler, the amount of fuel entering the furnace increases proportionately, and the increase of the heat absorption of the water wall of the furnace is smaller than that of the increase of fuel quantity, which will inevitably lead to the increase of smoke temperature at the furnace outlet.

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