Daily operation and adjustment of industrial gas steam boiler (oxygen content)

The oxygen content is an index for monitoring the excess air coefficient in the industrial gas steam boiler, which is closely related to the change of the combustion working condition in the furnace, The amount of oxygen is corresponding to the heat release of the fuel in the furnace. In general, in the stable working condition, the discharge heat in the furnace is matched with the air supply quantity, the oxygen content is kept basically unchanged, and the main steam pressure is correspondingly stabilized at a certain value. The increase in the amount of oxygen indicates that the amount of heat in the furnace is less than the amount of air supply. At this time, the pressure will drop, and the supply of the amount of fuel is required to maintain the pressure. and because of the heat storage capacity of the steam drum and the use of the combustion equipment, The change of the main steam pressure is slower than the change rate of the oxygen content. Therefore, the change direction of the pressure can be judged in advance due to the change of the oxygen content, so that the adjustment of the pressure plays a leading role in adjusting the pressure, which is a main basis for regulating the stable operation of the pressure.

Daily operation and adjustment of industrial gas steam boiler (oxygen content)

Of course, the change of oxygen content in industrial gas steam boiler can not fully explain that it is caused by fuel heat release, and it will also cause oxygen content change in some operations or events that cause changes in combustion conditions. For example, start and stop the powder making system, soot and coke, etc., but can also judge the correct operation or analyze the cause of the event according to its change. In a word, attention to oxygen change can not only control the economy of combustion, but also an important means to keep the parameters stable. When the accident is dealt with and the combustion is unstable, the change of oxygen content is more obvious, especially when the oxygen content suddenly rises sharply, it is likely that the combustion in the furnace is very weak, which is often about to put out the fire. A sign of this situation, should be immediately fuel stable combustion, and strengthen combustion, can not hesitate to delay.

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