Precautions for low-load operation of industrial gas steam boiler

The normal load change range of the industrial gas steam boiler is that the coal-fired industrial gas steam boiler is generally 70% to 100% of the rated evaporation capacity, and the fuel oil boiler is 60% to 100% of the rated evaporation capacity. Below this range is a low load operation. The main problem in the low-load operation is that the combustion stability is poor. It is necessary to pay attention to the prevention of fire and the explosion of the furnace. The natural circulation industrial gas steam boiler must also take into account the safety of water circulation. Therefore, the industrial gas steam boiler should pay attention to the following aspects in the low-load operation:

Precautions for low-load operation of industrial gas steam boiler

1. In case of low load, the coal with higher volatile content should be used as much as possible. When the coal-fired evaporation is low and the combustion is unstable, the ignition oil gun shall be put into combustion-supporting to prevent possible fire-extinguishing.

2. The burners to be put into the low load should be more uniform, and the number of burners should not be too small, which is beneficial to the stable combustion and the prevention of the water circulation in the individual parts.

3. The speed of increasing or decreasing the load shall be slow, and the air volume shall be adjusted in time. It should be noted that the primary air pressure is stable, and the primary air volume should be too large. The input and deactivation of the burner shall be slow.

4. When the fuel industrial gas steam boiler is operating at low load, it is difficult to ensure the combustion quality of the oil, and it should be noted that the unburned oil drops can be prevented from re-burning in the tail of the flue.

5. When the low-load operation is running, the desuperheating water (for the hybrid desuperheater) should be reduced as much as possible, but it is not appropriate to close the desuperheating water door.

6. At low load, the smoke exhaust temperature is low and the possibility of low temperature corrosion is increased. To this end, we should put into the heater or hot air recycling.

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