what do you mean by load adjustment of gas steam boiler in drum industry?

Because the metal consumption of drum steel furnace is 10%-15% more than that of DC industrial gas steam boiler, and the water volume is relatively large, the heat storage capacity of drum industrial gas steam boiler is higher. And the steam space of the drum can store a certain amount of steam. When the fuel quantity and load change, the steam pressure of industrial gas steam boiler changes slowly.

what do you mean by load adjustment of gas steam boiler in drum industry?

Before the load is increased, due to the constant fuel quantity, the steam production is less than the steam consumption, and the steam pressure is bound to decrease. The saturation temperature of furnace water also decreases, and part of the heat stored in furnace water and metal vaporizes some furnace water and produces a small amount of steam to make up for the increase of load. The steam stored in the drum space expands when the vapor pressure drops, which slows down the pressure drop before the fuel increases. On the contrary, when the steam production is greater than the load, on the one hand, the excess steam is stored in the drum steam space in the form of compression, on the other hand, the excess heat is stored in the form of increasing the saturation temperature of furnace water and metal temperature, thus reducing the It slows down the rise of steam pressure. The heat storage capacity of gas steam boiler in drum industry is high, and the ability to automatically adapt to load change is strong, which is the favorable side of the boiler.

When the change of vapor pressure is adjusted actively, because of the same reason, the speed of steam pressure returning to normal is also slow, which is the downside. Mastering this characteristic of drum industrial gas steam boiler is very useful for correctly adjusting load and maintaining steam pressure stability. For example, when adjusting the steam pressure manually, if the steam pressure is found to drop, the steam output of the industrial gas steam boiler is less than the load, and the fuel should be increased in time. If the steam pressure stops falling, it shows that the steam production and load have reached a balance on the new basis. In order to restore the original steam pressure, it is necessary to increase the fuel. By the same token, when the steam pressure rises, reduce the fuel in time until the steam pressure stops Rise and return to normal.

Because of the high heat storage capacity of gas steam boiler in drum industry and the slow change of steam pressure after fuel increase or decrease, it is necessary to adjust the steam pressure in time, instead of waiting for the pressure to exceed the prescribed upper and lower limit. Only in this way can we keep the steam pressure of industrial gas steam boiler relatively stable.

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