What are the daily preventive measures of industrial boilers in chemical plants

What are the daily preventive measures of industrial boilers in chemical plants What are the daily preventive measures of industrial boilers in chemical plants

What are the daily preventive measures of industrial boilers in chemical plants

1. Prevent boiler overpressure. First of all, the boiler load and air pressure should be kept as stable as possible, to avoid sudden rise or decrease. Second, check the pressure gauge frequently, because it is inevitable that there will be a deviation from the actual situation in the process of use. Once the pressure gauge is found to be working abnormally, it must be replaced in time. Third, the safety valve is an important device and should be checked frequently.

2. Prevent boiler from overheating. First of all, boiler overheating is generally caused by lack of water. Because of this, the company takes over and cleans up in time to avoid congestion. Always check whether the water level indicator is normal, maintain and check the overtemperature alarm equipment and water level alarm regularly to ensure its normal operation. Secondly, boiler overheating may also be caused by excessive scale and dirt, so it is necessary to arrange the scale removal work on a regular basis.

3. Prevent the boiler from causing grooves and cracks. The occurrence of grooves and cracks is often due to the phenomenon of cold and hot in boilers. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the smooth progress of combustion in the process of boiler use, and to detect the stress concentration of boiler in time to avoid grooves and cracks in those important parts.

4, strengthen the awareness of prevention. It is also an inevitable requirement to strengthen the awareness of prevention and the management of prevention, which is aimed at the relevant enterprises and staff. Only by improving the safety awareness and doing a good job of prevention can we reduce the probability of hidden dangers as much as possible. However, some enterprises lack of attention to boiler equipment, in the safety aspect can not do a good job of all-round management and supervision, which leads to hidden dangers buried. Therefore, the relevant enterprises should improve a certain sense of safety prevention, can actively improve some systems, and then promote the smooth development of the prevention and management of each ring section, so as to avoid the occurrence of accidents.

5, improve the professional and quality of staff. Improving the professionalism and quality of staff is also a critical part, as staff play a key role in the course of their work and are one of the indispensable elements, only to ensure that their basic qualities are passed, In order to better ensure the quality of work, avoid operating errors and other problems, and then strengthen the safety management of boilers. Therefore, this requires the relevant units to be able to carry out omni-directional training according to the actual situation, according to the ability and quality of the staff, in order to standardize the operation and management of boiler equipment and ensure its safe and stable operation.

Specifically, the staff should understand and master the basic knowledge of boiler use, have an understanding of the performance of their equipment, and can do a good job of protection measures before inspection and maintenance, in order to ensure their own safety. In addition, we should also strengthen the cultivation of staff moral quality, increase a certain sense of responsibility, so as to better meet the basic needs of the work.

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