What are the measures to improve the combustion efficiency of industrial boilers in chemical plants

What are the measures to improve the combustion efficiency of industrial boilers in chemical plants What are the measures to improve the combustion efficiency of industrial boilers in chemical plants

What are the measures to improve the combustion efficiency of industrial boilers in chemical plants? According to the problems of low exhaust temperature, higher excess air coefficient and higher combustion efficiency of the test boiler, some suggestions for improvement are put forward.

The excess air coefficient is properly reduced. Generally speaking, the industrial gas steam boiler is 1.4. Due to the different internal structure of each boiler, the excess air coefficient can be adjusted according to the actual operation situation, so that coke has enough burnout time in the boiler. In addition, the secondary air can be set properly so that the coke can be completely burned with enough oxygen and the incomplete solid loss can be reduced.

Properly reducing the exhaust gas temperature of boiler exhaust gas accounts for a large proportion of boiler heat loss, so the boiler loss must be reduced to a minimum. On the one hand, the dew point should be reached to prevent corrosion; on the other hand, the exhaust gas temperature should not be too high.

3. To improve the combustion efficiency of the boiler, the air distribution of the furnace is uniform, so as not to cause the incomplete combustion of coal to form a dead angle. Since the test boilers are chain furnaces, the moving speed of the chain should be controlled within a reasonable range, so that the coal on the grate can burn completely for enough time, but not too long to avoid wasting the grate. In addition, when high volatile coal is used, the quality of coal should be improved as much as possible, the combustion time should be shortened, and the loss of incomplete solid combustion should be reduced.

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