What are the reasons for the bottom drum of industrial boiler in chemical plant

What are the reasons for the bottom drum of industrial boiler in chemical plant What are the reasons for the bottom drum of industrial boiler in chemical plant

What are the reasons for the bottom drum of industrial boiler in chemical plant? From the inspection results and the water treatment of the boiler, the author believes that there are two main reasons for the bottom drum.

1. The bottom of the boiler drum is directly irradiated by the high temperature flame and washed by the high temperature flue gas. When the water side of the boiler is scalded for a long time, the thermal resistance of the scale is 40 ~ 100 times of that of the metal material, and the thermal conductivity is very poor. When the boiler pressure exceeds the yield limit of the furnace wall, the metal of the furnace wall may appear plastic deformation, which appears as bulging macroscopically when the furnace wall can not dissipate and cool in time, which leads to the decrease of the metal strength of the furnace wall, which leads to the superelevation of the wall temperature and the decrease of the metal strength of the furnace wall.

2. Indirect causes

2.1, the furnace of DZL boiler with structural defects of DZL boiler is relatively short. When anthracite is burned, because of the high calorific value of anthracite and high flame temperature, the lower furnace is not conducive to combustion, if the water treatment is not in place, It is easier to expand in the boiler tube near the flame.

2.2, the boiler management is not in place, the boiler management personnel who are not ideal for water quality treatment do not attach importance to the thought of boiler managers, are careless, the technical level of boiler operators is low, and the sense of responsibility is not strong. It may cause the boiler discharge is not scientific or not timely, the water quality treatment is not good, resulting in the boiler smoke pipe, boiler tube and water wall pipe and other main pressure components resulting in a large number of scaling. The representative water quality detection report of the boiler within half a year is consulted, in which the pH value of feed water (25 ��) is between 6.5 �� and 6.9, which is lower than the standard value (7. 0 ~ 10. 0), and the hardness of the boiler is 1. 0%. Between mmol/L and 2.0mmol/L.

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