What is the price of a 10 ton steam boiler for an industrial boiler in a chemical plant

What is the price of a 10 ton steam boiler for an industrial boiler in a chemical plant? For industrial boilers in chemical plants, the tonnage of steam boilers used is relatively large. The least tonnage is more than 10 tons. Therefore, for the chemical plant industrial boiler, when purchasing the boiler, it must go through many aspects of comparison. In this way, one is to choose a brand cost-effective enterprise, there is also can save a sum of money for the enterprise.

What is the price of a 10 ton steam boiler for an industrial boiler in a chemical plant

Through the analysis of the detailed data of the industrial boiler enterprise in the chemical plant, it is concluded that it is also possible to use 10 tons of steam boiler in the industrial boiler of the chemical plant. However, considering that the later manufacturers need to expand the production scale, it is suggested that customers should choose 12 tons of steam boiler to prevent short-term expansion of production, there is not enough steam to meet the production. Finally, after many considerations, the chemical enterprise decided to purchase a 12-ton gas steam boiler from Fangquan boiler. At present, the price of this type of fast boiler is about 1.44 million yuan.

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