What are the safety items of boiler in operation food factory

? What are the safety items of boiler in operation food factory What are the safety items of boiler in operation food factory

What are the safety items of boiler in operation food factory? Boiler is the equipment that many food enterprises must use. It can provide sufficient heat energy for enterprise production and ensure orderly production.

However, boilers are dangerous in use, so staff must pay attention to the following points in their daily work in order to better prevent safety accidents. What problems should be paid attention to when operating boilers in food factories?

The boiler in the food factory should check the valve of the inlet and outlet gas meter and the main valve before use, and close it when the pipe is replaced in front of the furnace. When opening the furnace door, pay attention to the situation in the furnace, especially the gas leakage phenomenon. If there is a leak, we can not light the fire, but we should check and repair it in time to ensure the safety before ignition.

2. Pay attention to check the boiler flue, do not have water, keep the flue open, and do not allow diesel oil, firecrackers and other flammable and explosive substances to be stacked around the boiler, and leave enough safe passage.

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