What are the measures to prevent accidents in industrial boilers in chemical plants

What are the measures to prevent accidents in industrial boilers in chemical plants

What are the measures to prevent accidents in industrial boilers in chemical plants? With the rapid development of industrial modernization, the scope and quantity of boiler are increasing year by year. The safety of boiler has become an inevitable problem, and it is also a difficult problem faced by many enterprises. The safety measures of chemical plant industrial boilers can protect our enterprises and individuals from property and personal safety.

What are the measures to prevent accidents in industrial boilers in chemical plants

Observe the material, strength, connection mode, welding and cold working parts of the main pressure components such as shell, head or tubesheet, furnace tank and so on.

In the maintenance of industrial boiler in chemical plant, the vigilance is very high, so the caustic soda embrittlement should be maintained and the crack of deformation tank should be seriously corroded. Careful inspection and maintenance should ensure quality and prevent sudden tearing due to insufficient strength or crack propagation.

Operators must remember: severe water shortage, no water supply, so as not to overheat the pot wall, not as fragile as expected. Even high quality and durable chemical plant industrial boilers should be paid special attention to.

Chemical plant industrial boiler safety settings and other accessories must always be sensitive, accurate and reliable. In most small boiler accidents, one of the common and important causes of explosion accidents is overpressure caused by the failure to install safety valves or safety valves. If the safety valve is normal and works at low pressure, the explosion can be avoided.

5. Attention should be paid to links that are easily overlooked. Cooking, bathing, heating, hot water boilers also often have accidents. These boilers are small in size, low in pressure, mostly related to people's living departments, often do not attract people's attention, it is easy to become a weak link and loophole in boiler safety management, so it is special.

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