What should be paid attention to in changing Coal into Electric Boiler in Chemical Plant

What should be paid attention to in changing Coal into Electric Boiler in Chemical Plant

What should be paid attention to in the conversion of coal to electric boiler in chemical plant? It is beneficial to change the electric coal boiler to master a series of matters needing attention. On the one hand, the attention of these items is conducive to improving the efficiency of boiler use, on the other hand, it is a good safety protection for personnel.

What should be paid attention to in changing Coal into Electric Boiler in Chemical Plant

Pay attention to the planning and laying of circuit circuits when using electric energy, each line needs to have a certain degree of independence. If you want to make sure that your electric boiler is not in bad contact, you must have a good circuit design and laying due to wire problems. This requires professionals to operate and sell coal-fired boilers. Manufacturers usually provide excellent service in this field. Second, note that it is dangerous to install the electric boiler smoothly enough, and the safety factor used in replacing the electric boiler with coal is relatively large, but the installation of the power station boiler still needs to ensure the smooth installation. Basic installation needs to be maintained A certain level to avoid adverse effects on electric boilers. Especially where the ground is connected, enough attention should be paid to prevent accidents.

Third, pay attention to the measures to prevent electric shock. The threat of electricity to human beings is still relatively great. Once the consequences of electric shock are unbearable, high-quality coal-fired boilers must pay attention to the measures to prevent electric shock, which is directly related to the personal safety of human beings. Full attention should be paid to the implementation of coal-changing electric boiler. Coal is very important to the transformation of electric boiler, but the improvement of efficiency is always based on safety.

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