Four main points in sewage discharge Operation of Oil-fired Steam Boiler

Before discharging water, the water level in the boiler should be adjusted to the normal level (abusive excess), and should be strictly monitored in the process to prevent the problem of water shortage. After the discharge has been carried out for a period of time, it is necessary to check if the temperature of the sewerage pipe is abnormal in order to check whether the drain valve has leakage problems, if any, it should be dealt with in time. For the discharge of fuel steam boiler, the three principles of frequent discharge, less discharge and uniform discharge should be followed, and each shift should be discharged at least once in order to avoid the problems such as tube explosion and so on, which will result in serious consequences.

 Four main points in sewage discharge Operation of Oil-fired Steam Boiler

Sewage discharge from oil-fired steam boiler When the boiler is under low load and normal working pressure, it is necessary to operate the switch repeatedly for several times, so as to ensure that the discharge effect is better and thoroughly carried out at one time, so as to avoid residue and thus affect the sewage discharge effect. And the normal work of the boiler. Steam oil-fired boiler is a kind of steam boiler which uses fuel oil as fuel. In terms of types, there are two types of oil-fired steam boilers, vertical and horizontal. And, corresponding to different types, there are different areas of use.

Purpose of sewage discharge operation of oil-fired steam boiler: 1. Eliminate suspended foam on boiler water surface, so as to reduce salt content and alkali content of boiler water, avoid the occurrence of steam-water concurrence in oil-fired steam boiler, and so on. Phenomenon, ensure the quality of steam. 2, remove dirt and sludge accumulated at the bottom of the drum and bottom header to avoid causing a series of problems.

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