What are the types of high temperature corrosion of water wall of industrial boiler in chemical plan

What are the types of high temperature corrosion of water wall of industrial boiler in chemical plan What are the types of high temperature corrosion of water wall of industrial boiler in chemical plant

What are the types of high temperature corrosion of water wall of industrial boiler in chemical plant? The phenomenon of high temperature corrosion on the water wall of industrial boiler in chemical plant is a complex physicochemical process. According to the analysis of the mechanism of corrosion, it can be divided into three types: sulfate corrosion, chloride corrosion and sulfide corrosion.

The main reason for sulfate corrosion is that alkaline substances in raw coal burned by boiler corrode water wall by chemical reaction, such as sulfate, coke sulfate and other compounds. Slagging or coking usually occurs in the corrosion process.

In recent years, many scholars have carried out related research and achieved fruitful research results. The results show that when the content of chloride in the fuel is high, a certain amount of hydrogen chloride will be produced in the boiler, and the corrosion effect on the boiler will occur [3 �� 5]. The test results of raw coal used in industrial boilers in this chemical plant show that the content of chloride is less than 2 �� 10000, and the chloride produced by combustion of raw coal is much less than the content of chloride that produces corrosion. Therefore, High temperature corrosion of water wall is not caused by chlorine in raw coal.

3. When the unburned flame scours to the water wall, the unburned fuel will consume a lot of oxygen due to chemical action, which leads to vulcanization corrosion on the outer surface of the water wall.

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