How much is the gas steam boiler in the chemical plant industrial

How much is the gas steam boiler in the chemical plant industrial boiler? In the past, the industrial boiler of chemical plant, which used to be mainly coal-fired, was gradually replaced by gas-fired boiler, which was also in response to the government's policy on the transformation of coal-fired boiler, and the transformation of boiler with low nitrogen was carried out. At present, many chemical plant industrial boilers began to purchase gas steam boilers for production. First of all, it is necessary to compare the production of gas steam boiler manufacturers.

How much is the gas steam boiler in the chemical plant industrial

Recently, an industrial boiler in a chemical plant asked for a gas steam boiler to purchase a gas steam boiler, but for the specific model and specific price, it is not very well understood, which is for the technical personnel of the fast boiler. It is necessary to carry on the detailed accounting according to the actual production situation of the industrial boiler in this chemical plant, and it is concluded that it is possible to use a 4 ton gas steam boiler for the industrial boiler in the chemical plant. At present, the price of this type of boiler is about 500000.

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