Analysis of full Water accident in Industrial Boiler of Chemical Plant

Analysis of full Water accident in Industrial Boiler of Chemical Plant Analysis of full Water accident in Industrial Boiler of Chemical Plant

Analysis of full Water accident of Industrial Boiler in Chemical Plant 1. Hazard degree of full Water in Industrial Boiler of Chemical Plant (1) for boiler without superheater, steam belt water will be caused after full water. Reduce steam quality. (2) for boilers with superheaters, superheaters will cause scale and damage.

2. Analysis of the causes of full Water in Industrial boilers of Chemical Plant (1) insufficient or wrong operation of water level monitoring by furnace personnel. In practical work, some boiler staff do not know enough about the harmfulness of full water and often control the operation of high water level in order to prevent boiler water shortage. (2) the installation of water level meter is wrong, jam or steam, and the faucet is not completely turned on or off. The formation of false water level. (3) failure of automatic regulation of water supply.

3. The industrial boiler in chemical plant appears full water treatment method (1) flushing, checking water level meter, judging the severity of full water and changing automatic operation to manual operation. When the boiler is slightly filled with water, after the boiler is suspended, open the drain valve and drain the superheater or sub-cylinder. Monitor the water level closely. After normal operation, the boiler resumes normal operation. (2) when the boiler is seriously flooded, the boiler shall be stopped urgently, the inlet water shall be stopped, the drainage valve shall be opened, and the cylinder and superheater drain valve shall be discharged separately, and after the water level is normal, before resuming the boiler operation, Check for other anomalies; The steam used in production must be restored. Should Notify steam department to strengthen drainage capacity.

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