What checks should be done regularly for industrial boilers in chemical plants

What checks should be done regularly for industrial boilers in chemical plants

What are the regular inspections that industrial boilers in chemical plants need to do? There is a need to ensure that there are no accidents during an industrial boiler in a chemical plant, and that enterprises need not only high quality and low prices to purchase equipment from chemical plant industrial boiler manufacturers, but also the training of furnace workers to allow them to operate the boiler. In accordance with safety regulations, except for regular inspection of boiler equipment.

What checks should be done regularly for industrial boilers in chemical plants

During the use of industrial boilers in chemical plants, the external state of the boiler should be checked regularly to ensure that there is no sign of corrosion and corrosion in the boiler shell, no loosening and loosening of the connection between different components, and no change in appearance. The CE of the boiler does not deform. In addition, it is also necessary to check whether there are cracks in boiler welds and heat affected zone. If necessary, surface inspection or other inspection methods should be used to check.

2. Internal inspection of many parts of the chemical plant industrial boiler requires internal inspection. For parts with defects in the past, the same inspection methods should be adopted or the corresponding inspection methods should be added to re-inspect the defective parts or parts that have been repaired. The water head, tubesheet, furnace, reburning chamber and header of industrial boiler in chemical plant should also be inspected regularly. In addition, check whether the boiler combustion equipment has been burned and deformed.

3. When checking the water pressure of industrial boiler in chemical plant, it is necessary to specify the test pressure to check the pressure strength and tightness of the boiler. When doing the water pressure inspection, pay attention not to participate in the water pressure test connection assembly (such as boiler tube, Valve, etc.) Internal and external range zoning should take reliable measures.

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