What is the price of fully condensed steam boiler for industrial boiler in chemical plant

What is the price of fully condensed steam boiler for industrial boiler in chemical plant What is the price of fully condensed steam boiler for industrial boiler in chemical plant

What is the price of the fully condensed steam boiler for the industrial boiler in the chemical plant? The price of fully condensed steam boiler is higher than that of other types of steam, but fully condensed steam boiler can improve the thermal efficiency of boiler.

The utilization rate of fuel can be improved. In this way, in the process of steam boiler operation, the operation cost of fuel saved is also a lot. Recently, an industrial boiler enterprise in a chemical plant asked Fang Kuai boiler to purchase a fully condensed steam boiler for production, but its own enterprise wanted to know the tonnage and price of the steam boiler purchased.

In this regard, the technical personnel of the fast boiler After understanding the actual production situation of the plant, it is possible to use a 2t fully condensed steam boiler in the plant. At present, the price of this model is about 250000 yuan.

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