What is the price of industrial boiler steam boiler in 0.5 ton chemical plant

What is the price of industrial boiler steam boiler in 0.5 ton chemical plant What is the price of industrial boiler steam boiler in 0.5 ton chemical plant

What is the price of industrial boiler steam boiler in 0.5 ton chemical plant? At present, the mainstream tonnage of steam boilers used by many enterprises is basically more than 1 ton, but there are still many small enterprises that do not need such a large tonnage boiler. Recently, a food enterprise consulted 0.5 tons of steam boiler price before sale. For 0.5 tons, it can be counted as 0.35kw power.

The amount of gas consumed in an hour is about 35 cubic meters. The amount of steam produced in an hour is 0.5 tons. The main factors affecting the price of industrial boiler steam boiler in 0.5 ton chemical plant are boiler body and boiler auxiliary machine. Fang fast boiler body is produced according to many national standards, and even some parts are larger than the national standard just now. Auxiliary equipment is also depends on the customer's own choice, domestic and foreign brands are there, can consult our pre-sale personnel in detail.

At present, the price of 0.5 ton steam boiler is about 60, 000. The conventional one, including auxiliary equipment, needs to be negotiated if installed. Welcome the vast number of enterprises to Fang fast boiler for a visit, investigation.

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