What is the price of electric steam boiler in chemical plant industrial boiler

What is the price of electric steam boiler in chemical plant industrial boiler? In the past, many industrial boilers in chemical plants used to burn coal boilers, but because of the requirements of environmental protection policy, many places have begun to switch to gas steam boilers and electric steam boilers.

What is the price of electric steam boiler in chemical plant industrial boiler

At present, there are still electric steam boilers. Because some chemical plant industrial boilers are located, either the natural gas is not accessible, or the local natural gas resources are very tight, so for the chemical plant industrial boilers, we have to use electric steam boilers. Recently, some industrial boilers in chemical plants have consulted Fangquan boiler because of the need to expand the production scale, it is necessary to purchase a batch of electric steam cookers.

The furnace is used for production. However, the specific tonnage and number of stations are not very clear. After understanding the actual cleaning of the plant, it is considered that it is possible for the industrial boiler of the chemical plant to use two 2t electric steam boilers. At present, this type of electric steam boiler is about 180000. The purchase cost of 2 sets is about 360000.

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