Analysis on the problem of water in 1 ton electric hot water boiler

1 ton electric hot water boiler can conduct heat conduction by heating water to provide heating and domestic hot water for people's winter life. It is an indispensable electrical appliance equipment in people's life. When electric boilers are in use, we do not have rigid requirements for water quality. Some consumers will use untreated water and use poor quality boiler water, which will lead to problems such as boiler scaling and corrosion. What influence does electricity boiler heating water quality do not pass customs have? 1 ton electric hot water boiler heating water quality does not pass the impact of:

 Analysis on the problem of water in 1 ton electric hot water boiler

The problem of poor water quality in the use of electric boilers wants to be solved. Generally speaking, boiler water is softened, for example, some specialized equipment such as ion exchange desalination equipment can be used to soften imported water. In order to achieve the purpose of removing impurities in the water.

For the non-softened water, we can add some chemical reagents to the water so that it can react in the boiler, so as to avoid metal corrosion and boiler scaling.

3. If we really do not want to carry out water treatment, we can carry out regular cleaning of the1 ton electric hot water boiler, so that the dirt in the furnace can be removed in time, and stubborn dirt can be cleaned by adding chemicals. After cleaning the sewage will be discharged and then re-injected with clear water can be.

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