How much is the 2 ton gas steam boiler in the chemical plant industrial boiler

How much is the 2 ton gas steam boiler in the chemical plant industrial boiler? For chemical plant industrial boilers, steam is still needed in the current production process, so the dependence of chemical plant industrial boilers on steam is still very strong. For enterprises, the choice of gas steam boiler must be combined with the actual production data of their own factory for accounting, so that the purchase of boilers will not be too small or too large, so it is necessary to consult with boiler manufacturers.

How much is the 2 ton gas steam boiler in the chemical plant industrial boiler

Recently, an industrial boiler in a chemical plant consulted Fangquan boiler to purchase a gas steam boiler, but it is not very well aware of the tonnage and price of the required boiler. After understanding the actual situation of the boiler manufacturer, the calculated data show that the plant needs a 2 ton gas steam boiler to meet the production. At present, the price of this model is about 250000. Therefore, the chemical plant industrial boiler has a detailed understanding of how much the 2 ton gas steam boiler costs.

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