What is the present situation of Industrial Boiler in Chemical Plant in Energy Saving and Emission r

What is the present situation of Industrial Boiler in Chemical Plant in Energy Saving and Emission r What is the present situation of Industrial Boiler in Chemical Plant in Energy Saving and Emission

What is the present situation of industrial boilers in chemical plants in terms of energy saving and emission reduction? Chemical plant industrial boiler is one of the representative industrial facilities with high energy consumption and high pollution. People need to actively carry out energy saving and emission reduction work and control their energy consumption comprehensively and effectively. In the aspect of energy saving and emission reduction, there are still some problems in industrial gas steam boilers.

The energy recovery and utilization ratio of industrial boiler in chemical plant is not high. In the process of boiler operation, the combustion is not enough and the heat loss in smoke exhaust process is too large. Usually, the main parameters of boiler energy saving will exceed the standard, resulting in the loss of a lot of heat. At present, many coal-fired boilers will be equipped with the corresponding economizer, but in the actual operation does not make full use of the economizer. In this way, the preheating effect of flue gas can not be utilized, the function of backwater device can not be brought into full play, and the recovery energy of boiler can not be effectively utilized.

The consciousness of energy saving and emission reduction of industrial boiler managers in chemical plants has been gradually integrated into industrial production, but some enterprises still do not pay attention to this problem in the actual production process. Some enterprises consume too much energy, which is considered to be a problem of the boiler itself. It has not adopted practical and effective measures to carry out the work of energy saving and emission reduction in time. In the process of specific use of the boiler, there is a lack of basic measuring instruments. This will affect the actual energy consumption effect of the boiler.

3. The supervision of energy saving and emission reduction is not in place, and the market of energy saving products is chaotic. In the process of making boilers, the energy saving technology adopted by many boiler production enterprises is relatively backward, which can not effectively improve the energy saving effect of boilers themselves. At present, the market of energy-saving products is chaotic and the supervision work is not in place enough to create good conditions for the effective development of boiler energy saving and emission reduction.

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