What is the price of 6 tons of gas steam boiler in chemical plant

What is the price of 6 tons of gas steam boiler in chemical plant? There are still many industrial boilers in chemical plants in the industrial boiler area of chemical plants. For industrial boilers in chemical plants, steam is needed in the production process. For the chemical plant industrial boiler, it must have been compared in many aspects before purchasing the boiler, only in this way, the purchased boiler is cost-effective. After preliminary screening of industrial boilers in this chemical plant, several well-known brands of industrial boilers in chemical plants have been identified for consultation.

What is the price of 6 tons of gas steam boiler in chemical plant

Recently, the industrial boiler of the chemical plant needs to purchase a 6-ton gas steam boiler to consult with the fast boiler, but the specific price is not very well understood. Understand that Fang fast boiler is a well-known manufacturer in the boiler industry, so I want to consult. In this regard, the fast boiler is accounted for the production capacity of the factory, and it is concluded that it is suitable for the industrial boiler of the chemical plant to use 6 tons of gas steam boiler. At present, the price of this type of boiler is about 750000 yuan.

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