What are the forms of industrial boiler inspection in chemical plants?

What forms of boiler inspection for industrial boilers in chemical What are the forms of industrial boiler inspection in chemical plants?

What are the forms of industrial boiler inspection in chemical plants? Boiler is a pressure vessel heated by flame or electric heating with water or organic heat carrier as medium, and mostly outputs heat in the form of steam and hot water. During the operation of the boiler, the elements in the furnace are in the environment of high temperature and high pressure. Or the external high temperature flame radiation, may occur wear, corrosion, deformation, scaling, overburning and other defects, but also may appear ash blocking, slagging and other phenomena. More serious safety accidents, such as tube explosion and even explosion, will eventually lead to casualties, equipment damage, social unrest and damage to many countries and enterprises if they are not found and eliminated in time. Loss. Boiler inspection is a task of minimizing boiler risk. Boiler inspection is generally divided into boiler regular inspection and boiler supervision and inspection. The former is an indispensable inspection in the normal operation of the boiler, which is mainly divided into boiler internal inspection and boiler external inspection. The latter is a very important inspection for boiler installation, transformation and major repair.

The periodic inspection of industrial boilers in chemical plants refers to the inspection of boiler safety and energy saving according to the regular inspection rules of boilers. Periodic inspection can prolong the service life of boilers. It mainly includes the external inspection under the boiler operation state, the internal inspection and the water pressure test under the boiler shutdown state. The external inspection cycle is once a year; the internal inspection cycle is once every two years; when the boiler is unable to carry out internal inspection because of structural reasons, the water pressure test should be carried out, the cycle is once every 3 years. The contents of internal inspection mainly include whether there are cracks, corrosion and scaling in the compressed parts such as pot drum, pot shell, superheater, air guide pipe and so on. Problems in the last internal inspection must be reviewed in the same way. Generally speaking, the external inspection mainly includes the following inspection contents: boiler external environment and load-bearing device, boiler external pipeline, safety accessories and safety protection device, auxiliary equipment operation. For the external inspection of organic heat carrier boiler, it is necessary to check whether the acidity, kinematic viscosity, residual carbon, moisture and other indexes in the inspection report and record meet the requirements of many national standards, and whether the safety protection device conforms to the regular inspection rules of the boiler.

2. The supervision and inspection of industrial boilers in chemical plants includes boiler manufacturing supervision and inspection, boiler installation, transformation and major repair supervision and inspection. The methods of supervision and inspection generally use data review, physical inspection and on-site supervision. When carrying out data examination, it should be carried out in strict accordance with pot rules; when on-site supervision and inspection, the supervision and inspection personnel should be carried out in accordance with the relevant system standards, in accordance with the relevant safety technical specifications; when physical inspection, it is generally carried out by spot check. According to the degree of influence on boiler safety performance, boiler supervision and inspection can be divided into three categories: a, B and C, which are significant influence, great influence and general influence. Before carrying out supervision and inspection of industrial boilers in chemical plants, the inspection units shall do the following tasks well and prepare the license certificates within the validity period (or the application for permission has been accepted without permission); Make construction plan or production plan to be submitted to supervision and inspection unit; provide necessary supervision and inspection working conditions.

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