Comprehensive Analysis of explosion accident of Industrial Boiler in a Chemical Plant

Comprehensive Analysis of explosion accident of Industrial Boiler in a Chemical Plant Comprehensive Analysis of explosion accident of Industrial Boiler in a Chemical Plant

A comprehensive analysis of the explosion accident of an industrial boiler in a chemical plant 1. The harm degree of the explosion accident of the industrial boiler in the chemical plant is mainly the explosion of the boiler drum, which has a great destructive force. It will cause serious property damage and casualties. We must resolutely put an end to such accidents. The explosion energy is mainly boiler water evaporation, followed by steam expansion. After the pressure loss of the pot water, due to the sudden drop of saturation temperature, the saturated water originally under higher pressure will evaporate rapidly, and the volume expansion is about 1000 times of the explosion pressure, forming a strong shock wave. Therefore, it has a great destructive power.

Analysis on the causes of explosion accident of Industrial Boiler in Chemical Plant (1) the pressure gauge fails and is not allowed; The safety valve does not move. (2) the furnace personnel take off the hill, do not pay attention to the monitoring, close the main steam valve and the failure of the safety valve. (3) the defect or damage of the compression element itself, after a certain degree of development, such as the reduction of corrosion and wear of the steel plate, And the further development of the defects formed in the process of manufacture, repair and welding, or the defects of the materials themselves in use, the dirt and heat transfer in the boiler are not good, and the water circulation is poor. Damage, heating surface overheating, strength reduction. After the boiler is short of water, illegal operation will bring moisture to the boiler, resulting in The boiler suddenly cooled and so on.

3. In the process of boiler operation, special attention should be paid to the following points: (1) the boiler load must be stable and the safety accessories must be sensitive and reliable; (2) strengthen the responsible work of the boiler responsible person, closely monitor the water level, prevent the boiler water shortage, and ensure the normal operation of the boiler. Low water level alarm and low water level chain protection device are sensitive and reliable to prevent leakage. Water treatment (3) take effective measures to ensure the quality of water supply and furnace water, prevent pollution and serious pollution.

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