Prevention is the main risk of Gas Fired 1 Ton Steam Boiler Safety

Water hammer, tube burst and other accidents often occur during boiler operation. Based on the whole process of gas fired 1 ton steam boiler management, this paper analyzes the causes of hidden troubles in boiler accidents, and puts forward effective preventive measures in the light of management practice, in which the maintenance after accident is taken as the pre-prevention. This is of practical significance to prevent boiler accidents. The following hidden dangers are the direct causes of boiler accidents:

Prevention is the main risk of Gas Fired 1 Ton Steam Boiler Safety

unreasonable boiler structure leads to insufficient strength of some parts, poor water circulation, thermal deviation or boiler furnace body can not expand freely, and so on. The boiler material does not meet the quality requirements; the manufacturing process is improper, and there is an internal response to the compressed parts. Force; high installation of sewage outlet, sludge can not be discharged; boiler ends without expansion sliding fulcrum, pipe expansion blocked; safety valve design unreasonable, debugging does not meet the requirements; water level meter installation position is unreasonable; The pressure gauge is not allowed or the connecting pipe is not installed as required; the explosion-proof door is overweight or the unloading area is insufficient; the smoke exhaust temperature design is unreasonable, etc.

Poor management of gas fired 1 ton steam boiler operation results in water shortage or fullness of boiler; poor management of water quality causes scaling of boiler; corrosion of metal heating surface caused by poor removal of oxygen; excessive alkalinity of boiler water caused by failure to discharge water in time; Failure to adjust in time results in poor atomization of the boiler, incomplete combustion, instability or deviation of the flame; failure of the burner itself; or The failure of the combustion system causes the boiler to extinguish, etc.

To sum up, improper design and installation of gas fired 1 ton steam boiler and supporting process, poor operation and management will result in various accidents of boiler, which will bring loss to enterprise and employee's life and property. As long as we know and master the hidden trouble law of boiler accidents, strictly control the boiler design, boiler installation, boiler use and management, and constantly improve and perfect boiler management methods, we can avoid the occurrence of gas fired 1 ton steam boiler accidents.

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