What is the combustion temperature of the industrial boiler

The heat released by fuel combustion is contained in the gaseous combustion products, and the temperature that the gaseous combustion products can reach when the fuel burns is called the combustion temperature of the fuel.

What is the combustion temperature of the industrial boiler

The factors affecting the combustion temperature of industrial boilers and the ways to increase the combustion temperature are as follows:

1) the higher the calorific value of fuel, the higher the combustion temperature. Therefore, when higher temperature is required, high quality fuel with high calorific value should be selected.

2) preheating air and fuel can increase the combustion temperature, and the higher the preheating temperature, the higher the combustion temperature, especially the more significance of preheating air.

3) minimize the heat loss of the furnace, such as the heat dissipation loss of the furnace wall, the heat storage loss, the radiation heat loss of the open furnace door and so on.

4) to ensure the complete combustion of fuel as far as possible, to reduce mechanical incomplete combustion and chemical incomplete combustion.

5) in order to ensure complete combustion, excess air should be reduced and oxygen rich blast should be used as much as possible.

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