Thermal efficiency of Gas Steam Industry Boiler

Thermal efficiency of Gas Steam Industry Boiler Thermal efficiency of Gas Steam Industry Boiler

Improving the thermal efficiency of gas-steam industrial boilers is a problem that many users consider. It is believed that this problem is the research direction of every kind of gas-steam industrial boiler manufacturers who use all kinds of gas-steam industrial boilers in production. When many users operate the gas steam furnace, they often find some new problems in the actual production process, but of all the problems, the most troublesome is the high exhaust temperature of the gas steam industry boiler. The phenomenon of low thermal efficiency, which seriously affects our normal work, so what should we do to improve its thermal efficiency?

It is to be understood in this respect that when the gas steam is a synthetic gas that best meets the low-temperature characteristics of the gas steam. However, most of the synthetic gas steam is a biphenyl, which is not only a complex benzene derivative, but also has a strong carcinogenicity of its vapor or its volatiles, so it is highly recommended that the customer select the oil-type gas steam product. And secondly, the gas steam product has a relatively high flash point requirement in the process of meeting the low-temperature performance. In general, the gas steam engineer recommends that the flash point of the low-temperature gas steam opening should not be lower than 200 ��.

After the continuous research and improvement of its equipment by professional manufacturers, it is found that in order to improve its thermal efficiency, it is necessary to increase the tail heating surface of gas steam industrial boiler, such as air preheater and economizer. However, when the return temperature of the organic heat carrier furnace is very high, the economizer can not be set up, and the air preheater can only be set to alleviate the situation.

Therefore, if the gas-steam industrial boiler does not exchange heat with other low-temperature heat-supply systems, the only way to improve energy efficiency is to add an air preheater. After the air preheater is additionally arranged, the flow rate of the gas steam can be correspondingly improved, so as to ensure the safe, reliable and stable operation of the gas steam industrial boiler, and the thermal efficiency of the gas steam industrial boiler equipment can also correspondingly increase.

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