6 steps of regular discharge from industrial electric boiler

The main purpose of regular discharge from industrial electric boiler is to remove water slag from furnace water on a regular basis, and the location is selected in the lowest part of industrial electric boiler equipment.

6 steps of regular discharge from industrial electric boiler

Regular discharge shall be selected at least once per shift when the load of the industrial electric boiler is low;

Each discharge must be carried out at a high water level and at a low load. The discharge time of each sewage spot shall not exceed 10 seconds, each discharge shall be based on the reduction of the water level in the pot 20-25mm;

When the discharge is discharged, the second valve is fully opened (from the boiler tube or header), and then the discharge valve near the industrial electric boiler is slowly opened, which can be fully opened when there is no impact sound (if there is an impact sound, the first valve is closed until the impact sound disappears. And then turn it on slowly. Then switch off, open the second discharge valve, and discharge quickly. The procedure at the time of closure is the opposite of the above. After closing the discharge valve after sewage discharge, check the discharge valve for leakage. Before discharge, should check whether the discharge pipe is in good condition and whether the pipeline is being repaired, so as to avoid unfortunate accidents, and prohibit the extension of the discharge valve handle to open the discharge valve;

The boiler water level should be closely monitored when the sewage discharge is discharged, and the discharge should be suspended when the water level is lowered.

5. the amount of regular discharge shall not exceed 5% of the amount of water supplied;

6. When the water quality of the boiler is deteriorated, the boiler water can be concentrated through the surface of the discharge part of the water level gauge to improve the water quality of the boiler water;7. After the blow-down valve is closed, the drain valve should be checked for leakage. If an accident occurs in the industrial electric boiler room at the time of blowdown, the sewage shall be stopped immediately. In case of the exception of full water accident, the pollution discharge shall be strengthened immediately;

8, the principle of sewage discharge is: hard discharge, less discharge, balanced discharge.

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