What are the hazards of smoke from traditional 10 ton industrial boilers?

What are the hazards of smoke from traditional 10 ton industrial boilers?

There are two main hazards of coal-fired boilers. One is the safety hazard caused by soot emission of coal-fired boilers, and the other is the boiler hazard caused by coking of coal-fired boilers. Most of the users of coal-fired boilers are small units and small enterprises. For the consideration of operating costs, they even use inferior coal and directly discharge it into the atmosphere without adopting desulfurization and dust removal equipment. This is one of the most important reasons for the current large-scale haze weather. So, how does traditional industrial boiler smoke form? What's the harm?

I. traditional 10 ton industrial boiler dust generation. Coal is the main fuel for boilers. The main components of coal are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, water and ash. After coal is oxidized and burned at high temperature, the smoke and dust is composed of gas and solid. Gas part is mainly carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, hydrogen sulfide, etc. The solid parts are fly ash and unburned coal dust and black carbon. In the process of combustion, the boiler produces black smoke because the fuel is not fully burned and the carbon black is taken away by the smoke without sufficient oxidation.

Second, the traditional industrial boiler smoke harm. Coal is burned to produce ash and sulfur dioxide and carcinogenic hydrocarbons

What are the hazards of smoke from traditional 10 ton industrial boilers?

After the compound enters the atmosphere, it will cause serious pollution. A large amount of coal ash is very adverse to human health. Dust can easily lead to lung disease, and waste coal that is not fully burned can easily lead to gas poisoning and fire. Long-term coal produced by a large amount of waste coal garbage and difficult to clean up, waste a lot of manpower, material resources. It greatly affects people's normal life and the growth of crops.

How to reduce pollution of traditional 10 ton industrial boiler. The traditional boiler dust removal work must be done is also a puzzle. Smoke abatement and dust removal are both related and different. Smoke elimination refers to the elimination of flue gas harmful to human body and carbon black; Dust removal is the removal of dust particles from flue gas. The key to smoke elimination is to make the coal be fully burned and produce less oxidized carbon and carbon black, which can be alleviated by improving combustion equipment and operation methods. And dust removal requires a variety of dust removal measures. Emission standard of smoke and dust from industrial boilers. The dust content of boiler flue gas is expressed by the dust concentration, which refers to the weight of dust in the volume of exhaust smoke per standard cubic meter. China stipulates that the dust content of flue gas shall not be greater than 200mg/m. Using clean energy, it is an inevitable trend for traditional boilers to convert coal into electricity

In current heating demand increase, tighter environmental protection, electricity, gas supply relatively loose, the government's policy guidance and financial support, the electric heating technology development under the condition of coal to electricity has its rationality and economical efficiency, which can realize energy saving and emission reduction, and received high attention and obtain obvious social development, the coal to electricity is the trend of The Times is mainly manifested in the following aspects.

1. Market demand requires diversification of heat sources;

2. The reliability and availability of energy meet the requirements of environmental protection;

3. Policy guidance, promotion and economic support;

4. Promote behavioral energy saving with the support of building energy saving and related energy saving technologies and equipment, so as to reduce energy consumption and costs; It can be seen that the harm of coal burning is so great that the editor believes that coal burning should indeed be replaced by clean energy out of our life, especially for large coal boilers with 10 tons of industrial boilers. It is our common responsibility to reduce loose burning of coal, control air pollution and protect the environment. When necessary, gas-fired boilers, electric boilers, oil-fired boilers and so on can make up for the shortcomings of traditional coal-fired boilers.

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