The main components of industrial steam boilers

Many people know the boiler, but they do n’t all know the boiler, and even the customers who bought the boiler do not know much about the industrial steam boiler as an example. What are the components of the boiler?

The main components of industrial steam boilers

1. The pot. Its role is to collect, store, purify steam and replenish water. In water tube boilers, there are usually 1 or 2 drums. The upper drum is called a steam drum (drum), and the following is called a water drum or mud drum.

2. Water-cooled wall heating surface. It is a radiant heating surface arranged around the furnace. In industrial boilers, it is generally made of boiler steel pipes of φ51 × 3 ~ φ63.5 × 3.5mm, which is the main heating surface of water tube boilers. The radiant heating surface absorbs the radiant heat of the flame and shields the furnace wall, thus protecting the furnace wall; at the same time, due to the high heat absorption, it can reduce the furnace temperature and prevent the coal layer from burning.

3. Container. It is the main element of the arrangement and connection of the collection furnace tubes, which has the function of distributing water supply and extraction. According to its location, there are upper header and lower header, or inlet header and outlet header. The header is generally welded from a larger diameter seamless steel pipe and two end caps.

4. Convection tube bundle heating surface. Convection tube bundles, also called convection drain pipes, are located between the upper and lower boiler barrels, and are generally composed of φ51 × 3mm boiler steel pipes, which are the main heating surfaces of water tube boilers. In order to fully absorb the heat, the convection tube bundle is usually composed of a flue duct that is formed back and forth or turning with a partition wall to increase the flue gas flow and flush the tube bundle laterally at a higher smoke speed.

5. Heating surface of pyrotechnic tube. The smoke tube is the main heating surface of the smoke tube boiler and the water-fire tube combined boiler. Its role is to continuously heat the boiler water outside the tube when the high-temperature flue gas generated by the furnace combustion passes through the tube, so that it gradually becomes steam (or Hot water). The smoke pipe is generally installed in the shell of the pot, and is fixed on the pipe plates at both ends by welding or expansion joint. Because its installation quantity is limited by the boiler shell, and it is easy to be clogged with ash inside the tube and easy to accumulate outside the tube, it is not suitable for larger boilers.

6. Superheater. Economizer and air preheater, they are both convection heating surfaces. In addition to the convection superheater, the superheater also has a radiant superheater. The remaining economizers and preheaters are installed at the tail flue of the boiler. Their role is mainly to further reduce the exhaust temperature and improve the thermal efficiency of the boiler.

In general, the entire set of industrial steam boilers is composed of the boiler body, the water, steam, smoke, wind, fuel pipelines and their auxiliary equipment, measuring instruments, and other boiler auxiliary machinery within the scope of the boiler.

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