Energy saving problems of industrial steam boilers and heating systems

The energy consumption ratio of industrial steam boilers and heating systems is very large. In the context of the current society's emphasis on energy saving and emission reduction, to improve the thermal efficiency of boilers and heating systems and reduce energy consumption, it is necessary to strengthen the daily operation of boiler Maintenance: Analyze the factors that affect the thermal efficiency of the boiler during the operation of the boiler and work out effective solutions. Next, I will share it for everyone.

Energy saving problems of industrial steam boilers and heating systems

Fuel is the most consumed in the use of industrial steam boilers. To make energy-saving measures, we must first start with the choice of fuel. Under the current social and economic conditions, there are three main boiler fuels, namely solid fuel, gas fuel and liquid fuel. These three different fuels produce different amounts of heat and have different degrees of harm to the environment.

On the whole, gas fuels have great advantages in terms of heating quality and environmental protection, and should be given priority when selecting fuels. However, in some boiler heating systems, the choice of gaseous fuel is still limited due to the impact of production processes and fuel supply capabilities. In the choice of fuel oil, because of the higher cost, it is often more expensive to choose this fuel in the heating of industrial steam boilers.

In terms of combustion methods, the combustion forms of different types of fuels are different: gaseous fuels are mainly flamed and flameless, and flamed combustion is gas-phase combustion. The flame is longer and has a clear outline. The speed of combustion is strongly related to the mixing speed of air. Flameless combustion refers to solid-phase combustion. The combustion speed is fast and the combustion temperature is high. The disadvantage is that the combustion capacity is small.

Liquid fuels also have two types of combustion, namely high pressure atomization and low pressure atomization. In the selection of boilers, various conditions must be compared to determine the most suitable fuel and combustion method.

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