What are the performance advantages of industrial fire tube boilers?

Industrial fire tube boiler, also known as industrial boiler shell boiler. The basic structure is to install small cylinders, tubes (called "fire tubes") or other shapes of shells (called "furnace") in a large cylinder (pot shell). The fire tube is isolated from the large cylinder and forms a jacket. The jacket contains water, and the fire tube and the furnace tube serve as a combustion chamber and a flue to contain the flame or smoke. The heat generated by the combustion or the smoke is transmitted to the water through the wall of the fire tube.

What are the performance advantages of industrial fire tube boilers?

The basic structure is to install a small cylinder, a tube (referred to as "fire tube") or other shaped casing (referred to as "furnace") inside a large cylinder (pot shell). The fire tube is isolated from the large cylinder and forms a jacket. The jacket contains water in the jacket. The fire tube and the furnace bladder serve as a combustion chamber and a flue to contain the flame or smoke. Passed to the water. According to its arrangement direction, the main structural forms can be divided into vertical and horizontal.

Fangkuai Industrial Fire Tube Boiler was developed earlier and has the following main performance advantages:

1. Simple structure, easy operation and convenient maintenance;

2. Low requirements for water quality;

3. Small capacity, suitable for occasions with less hot water and heat requirements.

The above is my simple understanding of industrial fire tube boilers, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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