Requirements for regular blowdown operations of industrial steam boilers

Sewage discharge should be carried out when the industrial steam boiler is under fire or low load, and it should be carried out shortly and intermittently;

Requirements for regular blowdown operations of industrial steam boilers

Before the sewage is discharged, the water level of the industrial steam boiler shall be adjusted to be close to the upper limit of the normal water level, and the water level shall be closely monitored during the discharge to prevent the boiler from being short of water;

If the person operating the drain valve cannot directly observe the water level of the water level gauge. Contact the monitoring staff of the water level gauge to jointly discharge the sewage;

Drain must be done every eight hours. If multiple boilers share one blowdown header and there is no check valve on the blowdown tube of each boiler, simultaneous blowdown is prohibited;

No other operations should be performed during sewage discharge. If other operations are necessary, the sewage discharge should be stopped first;

When draining, first open the slow-opening valve close to the industrial steam boiler, and then disconnect and close the quick-opening valve far away from the boiler for quick draining. After the blowdown is completed, close the quick-open valve first, then close the slow-open valve, and then slightly open the quick-open valve.

After the blowdown operation is completed, after the blowdown valve is closed, check the blowdown pipe outlet to make sure there is no leakage.

The above is the relevant content that I share with you about the requirements for the regular blowdown operation of industrial steam boilers. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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