Contents of energy efficiency test for industrial steam boilers

Energy efficiency testing of industrial steam boilers is a very important and authoritative test for boiler manufacturers and boiler customers. First, it tests whether the performance indicators of boiler manufacturers' products have reached the guaranteed value test. Then, it can clarify the main factors that affect the results of energy efficiency testing, and by analyzing the influencing factors, manufacturers can adjust short-term items in a targeted manner to make products more efficient and safer. The ultimate beneficiary of these adjustments is the customer, because the detection content such as the thermal efficiency of the boiler directly affects the energy consumption of the boiler and is related to the interests of the customer.

Contents of energy efficiency test for industrial steam boilers

Main content of boiler energy efficiency test

1. Boiler thermal efficiency test:

a) Determination of boiler evaporation;

b) Detection of boiler excess air coefficient;

c) Exhaust temperature detection;

d) fuel combustion efficiency test;

e) Boiler thermal efficiency test;

f) fuel consumption;

g) steam coal ratio, etc.

2. Energy efficiency test of new products for industrial steam boilers: determine whether the various thermal performance indicators of the boiler are consistent with the design and determine the operation mode of the equipment. Such as boiler evaporation, boiler thermal efficiency, combustion efficiency, various heat losses and so on.

3. Boiler operation adjustment test: Determine the most economical operation mode of the boiler, and find out the defects in the boiler operation. Such as the maximum boiler load, minimum boiler load, fuel requirements, economic load, reasonable exhaust temperature, optimal coal-to-air ratio, excess air coefficient, secondary air ratio, and so on.

4. Thermal performance comparison test before and after boiler transformation: changes in evaporation, effects of combustion, boiler thermal efficiency, etc.

5. Fuel industry analysis and elemental analysis: To judge the quality of fuels such as coal, oil and gas, which is convenient for enterprises to control the quality of fuel entering the plant.

6, water quality detection, scale sample analysis: determine the quality of the water, control the boiler water index, and prevent boiler scaling.

The energy efficiency test of industrial steam boilers is completed by an organization approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine with a qualification for boiler energy efficiency testing, and a boiler thermal test report is issued.

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