key steps to pay attention to when installing gas heating hot water boilers

The key step to pay attention to when installing the hot water boiler is the selection of the installation place of the hot water boiler: the boiler should be installed in a reasonable position, select the place where the air circulation space is large, do the floor well, and if necessary, make the foundation according to the foundation diagram.

key steps to pay attention to when installing gas heating hot water boilers

In order to avoid vibration in operation, to the boiler equipment damage. Installation choice: in order to ensure safe operation, please let the factory's staff be responsible for installation, they have professional knowledge, and installation experience. Or find a qualified installation company to install, which is the first condition to ensure the safe use of boilers.

Third, check the gas source after installation: when the gas-fired hot water boiler is installed Well, in the case of ensuring that there is no clear fire nearby, open the gas valve to see if there is a gas leak phenomenon, if there is no gas leakage phenomenon will be installed, if there is a leak, it is necessary to check and solve the problem, so as to avoid accidents.

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