Horizontal Condensing Steam industrial boiler

Horizontal Condensing Steam industrial boiler is a form of boiler that uses condensation technology to operate the boiler in an energy-efficient state. Often used in paper, textile, printing and dyeing, food processing, plastics, leather, pharmaceuticals and many other industries.

In the horizontal condensing steam industrial boiler , the exhaust temperature is between 160 ℃ and 250 ℃, and the steam in the flue gas is still in the overheated state. It is impossible to condense into liquid water and give out the latent heat of vaporization.

Horizontal Condensing Steam industrial boiler

It is well known that the boiler thermal efficiency is calculated by the fuel low calorific value without considering the heat loss of vaporization latent heat in the fuel high calorific value. As a result, the thermal efficiency of conventional boilers can only reach 87% / 91%. The condensing waste heat recovery boiler reduces the exhaust temperature to 50 ℃ and 70 ℃, which fully reclaims the sensible heat in flue gas and the latent heat of condensation of water vapor. Recovery of steam volume in boiler flue gas by condensing waste heat using natural gas as fuel At 15%-19%, the steam content in the flue gas of the oil-fired boiler is 10%-12%, which is much higher than that in the flue gas of the coal-fired boiler, which is less than 6%.

At present, the boiler thermal efficiency is calculated by low-level heat generation. Although nominal thermal efficiency is high, because of the high natural gas, the difference of low-level heat-generating value is about 10%, the actual energy utilization rate still needs to be improved. In order to make full use of energy, reduce the exhaust temperature and recover the physical heat energy of flue gas, when the wall temperature of the heat exchanger is lower than the dew point temperature of the flue gas, the steam in the flue gas will be condensed and the latent heat will be released. 10% of the high and low calorific difference can be used effectively.

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