Pressure 10 Bar Gas Steam industrial boiler

Pressure 10 Bar Gas Steam industrial boiler, should you pay attention to those points during the operation?

1. Ensure that the boiler room is ventilated with sufficient oxygen

2, gas pipeline valve has no leakage

Pressure 10 Bar Gas Steam industrial boiler

3. Before the boiler is turned on and after the furnace is shut down, the main steam valve must be closed.

4. Before the air supply, ensure that the water in the pipeline and the sub-cylinder is drained. When the air is supplied, the valve is slow. First, warm the pipe to prevent water hammer.

5, the first time the furnace must be kept in the state of manual 20%, it is strictly prohibited to switch to the automatic state

6. At the air inlet of the boiler air duct, it is forbidden to block foreign objects and keep the air outlet clean.

7. When the boiler is running, ensure that the boiler pressure is not lower than 0.7mpa. 8. When manually adjusting the boiler burning rate, it must be adjusted step by step (every 10%) 9. When the boiler fails, the pressure is lower than 0.4mpa, and the steam temperature is lower than 150°, the main steam valve must be closed and operated according to the furnace procedure.

Of course, there are still a lot of details about the operation of “Pressure 10 Bar Gas Steam industrial boiler”. I hope that during the process of use, pay more attention to it.

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