5 Mw Natural Gas Power Plant Steam industrial boiler

What is the concept of "steam ton" in 5 Mw Natural Gas Power Plant Steam industrial boiler


Steam ton is an engineering term, which refers to the heating level of a boiler, generally expressed as T / h, representing the amount of steam produced by the boiler per hour.

In international units, megawatt (MW) is often used as the thermal unit of measurement. The corresponding formula for steam tons is: 1 t / h / h = 0.7MW / 2.5GJ / =6 * 10 ^ 6Kcal.5MW boiler is close to 4 tons

We usually say 1 ton boiler, not that the weight of the boiler is a ton, but the steam generated by this boiler per hour.


T / h: steaming tons / hour

MW: megawatts, a unit of power, refers to the amount of electricity that a generator can generate within a unit of time under rated conditions.

GJ/h: Jijiao / hour, is the exchange of heat per unit of time.

Kcal: kilocalories, also known as calorie, are the heat needed to raise 1 ℃ for 1 gram of water at 1 atmospheric pressure.

5 Mw Natural Gas Power Plant Steam industrial boiler

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