Matters needing attention in over-pressure accident of Plywood Industry Gas Steam industrial boiler

The following phenomena occur in steam boiler overpressure accidents:

The steam pressure rises sharply, exceeds the permissible working pressure, and the safety valve operates;

Matters needing attention in over-pressure accident of Plywood Industry Gas Steam industrial boiler

The overpressure alarm device operates and issues a warning signal.

The treatment measures for Plywood Industry Gas Steam industrial boiler overpressure accidents are as follows:

Reduce combustion;

If the safety valve fails and cannot automatically exhaust steam, the safety valve can be manually activated to exhaust steam, or the air valve on the boiler can be opened to gradually reduce the pressure of the boiler;

Carry out water supply and sewage discharge, reduce the temperature inside the pot;

After checking the cause of the overpressure of the Plywood Industry Gas Steam industrial boiler and the presence or absence of damage to the main body, it is decided to stop the furnace or resume operation.

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