The function and debugging method of pressure Controller for Steam Boiler

Oil-fired boiler, gas-fired boiler, steam boiler pressure controller function and debugging method

The pressure controller is a electromechanical conversion device which converts the pressure signal into the electrical signal. Its function is to transmit different signals with high pressure and low pressure to the electrical switch for automatic control or interlock protection of the external circuit.

The commonly used pressure controller and electric contact pressure gauge can make steam pressure overpressure alarm and cut off burner when it reaches the limit, the pressure controller can adjust single fire or double fire combustion according to the actual operating pressure. For large burners, the fuel / gas volume can be adjusted according to the pressure to keep the pressure stable. At present, electric contact pressure gauges are rarely used.

Boiler upper pressure controller

Steam boilers that usually use pressure controllers use two or three pressure controllers. One is to control the start-up and shutdown of the furnace, one to control the large, small fire conversion, and the other to be used as an overpressure protection.

The boiler starting and stopping using two pressure controllers is usually controlled by a temperature controller, and the two pressure controllers are configured to control the fire position and overpressure protection of the boiler.

The three safety accessories on the boiler must be set in accordance with the rules and regulations, which is mainly for safety. One is to prevent one of them from failing when the other can work. For the sake of comparison, especially the water level gauge and pressure controller, the operator should not only observe one of the display values, but also check whether the two display values are in accordance with each other in order to ensure the safety.

Generally, three pressure controllers are required, as follows:

The first is fire adjustment; for example, setting 0.5MPa to small fire, 0.4MPa starting, adjustable pressure controller bolt difference (return difference) is 1, range (set value) is set to 5.

The second is shutdown pressure, set to minimum, range to 6 (0.6MPa).

The third is the overpressure alarm, set around 0.7Mpa.

Tip: in the process of adjusting the pressure controller must first adjust the difference, then adjust the range.

The pressure controller of a gas-fired steam boiler is debugged, generally following this principle:

Extremely high pressure, is used as overpressure protection;

High pressure, used as boiler start-stop control;

Low pressure, used for large, small fire conversion.

The specific pressure range can be adjusted according to the rated pressure and operating requirements of the boiler.

The function and debugging method of pressure Controller for Steam Boiler

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