how steam boilers are maintained

How to maintain steam boiler 1, when maintaining boiler, must cut off the power supply, must release pressure. 2, burners should be removed from boiler body every two months, and other foreign bodies such as carbon deposit and dust should be removed seriously. The photo-electric tube is polished once a month. The fuel filter should always be cleaned and filtered. Carefully clean the inner filter screen of the oil pump and do not destroy the gasket. The burner shall not run without oil to prevent damage to the oil pump. how steam boilers are maintained 3, the water level gauge shall be kept clean at all times and rinsed once a day by opening the cleaning valve to ensure the water level is clear. 4. The safety valve shall be pulled once a day in case of rust failure. 5, When the steam boiler stops running for a long time The power supply should be cut off and the maintenance work should be done: (1) dry maintenance, discharging the furnace water after the furnace is stopped, rinsing away the dirt in the furnace, drying the pot with a small burner fire (the burning time should not be too long, so as not to damage the boiler), Then, after all the boiler gas has been discharged, all pipe valves will be closed and checked every three months. (2), wet maintenance shall be applied to boilers with a period not exceeding one month, and the boiler water will be discharged after the shutdown, and the clean and full water will be discharged. Cut off the power supply and close the valve.

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