Standard requirements for water quality of boiler soften water equipment

The boiler can operate safely, economically, reliably and stably, and produce qualified steam or hot water, be familiar with boiler water use, understand the harm of poor water quality to the boiler, and master the quality standard of water and steam. It is very important to do well the boiler water treatment and the necessary chemical treatment in the furnace, and to supervise the quality of water and steam strictly according to the standard in operation in order to ensure the water quality and steam quality of the boiler and the safe and economical operation of the boiler. Standard requirements for water quality of boiler soften water equipment Standard requirements for water quality of boiler soften water equipment According to the water quality standard of GB1576-2001 industrial boiler, the hardness of feed water for steam boiler is 0.03mmol / L, which is higher than this value. The hardness exceeding the standard can be divided into two categories: analysis of the reason why the soft water hardness exceeds the standard of soft water equipment: 1, the test at the sampling port of soft water equipment is qualified, but the water hardness in soft water tank exceeds the standard. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows: the regeneration cycle is too large, or the measurement caused by the failure of the flow meter is not accurate, so that the resin should not be regenerated in time, resulting in excessive water injected into the soft water tank. The washing time is on the short side, so that the waste salt water that should have been washed away in the positive wash is In part into the soft water tank. The salt box caused by unstable water pressure is too little recharge, too little salt absorption and insufficient washing. Any one of them can cause the hardness of the effluent to exceed the standard after the regeneration, and affect the water quality of the soft water tank. 2. When there is little salt in the salt tank, it can not be added in time, resulting in a poor regeneration effect. 3. Improper operation, in a regeneration process to close the feed valve. Any of the above errors can cause a large amount of excessive water injection soft water tank for a short period of time. It takes qualified soft water to dilute the excessive water for a long time to make the water in the soft water tank reach the standard again. At the sampling port of the soft water equipment many times, all of them are not up to the standard, and this will be the case. The reasons why the hardness of the newly installed soft water equipment exceeded the standard in the first test: the O-shaped sealing ring at the junction of the central pipe and the control valve did not form a seal, and the hardness of the newly installed soft water equipment exceeded the standard in the first test and the hardness of the newly installed soft water equipment exceeded the standard in the first test. Check whether the length of the central pipe is sufficient, whether the outer diameter meets the requirements, if you forget to install the O-ring, and whether the O-ring is broken. The reason why the hardness of soft water in soft water equipment exceeds the standard: the ratio of TDS value of feed water to the height of resin layer or resin exchange capacity is too large. When the height of resin layer is 1, the TDS value of feed water is more strict in soft water equipment than in the first test of new resin. It will be difficult to ensure the hardness of soft water �� 900mg/L when the total hardness is 13 mmol / L and the TDS value of feed water is greater than 0.03mmol/L. Resin poisoning, aging-induced resin exchange capacity decreased. The excessive hardness of soft water caused by this reason is a gradual process, not a sudden and obvious excess. There is too little salt in the salt tank. When the amount of water in the salt tank is normal and the height of salt is less than 1 / 3 of the height of water, the salt water absorbed in the middle and late stages of the salt absorption step is likely to be unsaturated, resulting in a lower concentration of salt water diluted by the ejector than the regeneration requirement, thus affecting the regeneration effect. Tree There is a large amount of gas in the tank, which may come from carrying gas in the feed water, or the air reverse valve is not closed strictly during the slow washing process.

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