Basic principles of changing Coal-fired Steam Boiler into Oil-fired Steam Boiler

With the vigorous support of the government for the rectification of the environment, a large number of coal-fired boilers have been laid off. If this batch of coal-fired boilers is abandoned, it will be a great waste, and the conversion of coal-fired boilers into fuel-fired boilers has become the most economical method. But in their transformation, we must abide by some basic principles.

Basic principles of changing Coal-fired Steam Boiler into Oil-fired Steam Boiler

(1) the retrofitted coal-fired steam boiler must meet the following requirements:

(1) the pressure components of the original boiler must be basically intact and have the value of continued use;

The water-gas system and supply and draft air system of the original boiler must be basically intact.

(2) the revamped oil-fired steam boiler shall achieve the following objectives:

(1) keep the rated parameters of the original boiler (such as steam pressure, steam temperature, return water temperature, etc.) unchanged;

Maintain or improve the output and efficiency of the original boiler.

(3) the smoke elimination and dust removal can be achieved through transformation to meet the requirements of environmental protection.

(4) the boiler retrofit scheme must be simple, easy to operate, less investment, quick effect and short time limit. Therefore, the smaller the surface involved in boiler reform, the better, only the furnace and combustion equipment can be changed, and the modification part does not exceed the basic structure of boiler body.

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