Requirements for procedural control of Oil-fired steam boilers

The oil-fired steam boiler with automatic ignition procedure is divided into three parts.

Requirements for procedural control of Oil-fired steam boilers

The first step is the requirement of program control. According to the regulations of Safety and Technical Supervision of Steam Boiler, the oil-fired boiler must be equipped with reliable ignition program control and extinguishing protection device. In the ignition procedure, the total ventilation volume and time before ignition are required in principle. The automatic ignition program of the oil-fired steam boiler takes the program controller as the operation command center, and the program controller does not need me to say that everyone knows it is like the heart of fully automatic operation. The program control system takes fully into account all kinds of necessary interlocks. Avoid incorrect operations and equipment failure Causes the accident, manifests the good safety. The core of program control system is controller. There are three kinds of controller:

(1) mechanical program controller;

(2) electronic program controller;

(3) real-time control microcomputer program controller. But no matter what kind of controller the oil-fired boiler uses, its main steps are roughly divided into five programs: the furnace automatic blow-up program, Automatic ignition program and flameout protection program and safety interlock protection program, in addition to combustion load regulation procedures are indispensable.

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