How to record steam consumption and steam temperature deviation in steam boiler

Steam boiler This kind of boiler is not only used in the website products, but also uses a wide range of boilers. Therefore, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding and understanding to carry out the correct and rational use and full utilization of the products. To make the best use of it, you can also play the role and function of this kind of boiler. How to record steam consumption and steam temperature deviation in steam boiler 1. What is the standard steam of a steam boiler? What steam is there in this type of boiler? The standard steam of a steam boiler refers to the steam obtained after strictly controlling the boiler pressure and flow according to the process index, which is called the standard steam of the boiler. In this type of boiler, the type of steam is divided into saturated steam and superheated steam, and can be divided into three types of steam: low pressure, medium pressure and high pressure. 2. On the steam boiler, what instruments can be used to record the amount of steam? On the steam boiler, the meter used to record the amount of steam. From the current point of view, the flow meter is used more because it can display the cumulative flow rate and the instantaneous flow rate. In the display, it can be used with liquid crystal display or water meter. The same counter, in addition, if the same boiler supplies steam to multiple users, then the flow meter can be installed separately on the branch line to measure the amount of steam. 3. Which chemicals will be added to the steam boiler to ensure the service life of the boiler? In order to ensure the service life of the steam boiler and the good use effect, water treatment chemicals will be added to the boiler to prevent corrosion and scale deposition inside the boiler. At the same time, the boiler can be prevented from overheating. The decline, in turn, affects the normal production and operation of the equipment. Therefore, this must be strictly enforced and cannot be sloppy. 4. Which type of pipe is used for the steam outlet of the steam boiler? Is there a regulation for the temperature deviation of the superheated steam? The steam pipe of the steam boiler is recommended to use seamless steel pipe because it can have good performance and use effect. Moreover, this is also clearly required in the relevant standards. The superheated steam temperature of the steam boiler also needs to be paid attention to, because if the temperature of the superheated steam is too high, the metal strength of the superheater pipe wall will be lowered, and even the superheater will be burned, which will affect the normal operation and operation of the boiler. Therefore, it is specified that the temporary temperature deviation of the boiler superheated steam does not exceed ��10 ��C, and the long-term temperature deviation does not exceed ��5 ��C

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